- Clairol Herbal Essences is for women who want to use environmentally sound & natural products
- It's the #2 shampoo
- with sales topping 42 million & 6% of market share
- more than all the shampoos made by the natural products sector combined
1. Herbal essence claims that their product is truly organic experience and good for your hair and the environment
2. The green terms herbal essence is using in their commericals is "all natural."
3.All natural like being grown and organic coming from plants and animals
4. the dictionary meaning of these terms are natural and organic:
- Natural: existing in or formed by nature
- Organic: chemical compounds that formerly comprised only those existing in or derived from plants or animals
- The chemicals in this product are:
- Lauryl surlfate- lathering agent that irrates sensative skin
- Propylene glycol- fossil fuel cleanser and lubricant made from animals
- D&C red no. 33- Synethic coloring agent known to aggretvate sensative
- 1,4 Dioxane- a dangerous chemical
- used in manufacturing process to reduce inherent harshness of non organic cleaning agents found in the shampoo
- California Law dioxane in the shampoo was high enough to be a health hazzard
- it was so high that the bottled shouldv'e been labeled with a warning about the chemical compostion of the shampoo
- "next time you wash your hair and feel the tall-tale tingle, check the label to make sure that tingle isn't your head absorbing cancer causing chemicals"
1. http://www.herbalessences.com/en-US/hair-products?gclid=CPXup-ispKkCFUff4AodXmjVuA#
2. http://www.fitness-equipment-health.com/herbal_essences.html
3. http://everygreenthing.net/homepage/the-worst-of-the-worst-top-20-greenwashed-products-industries